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Tsong Law is leading the industry in providing you with a team of experienced, personal coaches, rich video content, and templates that will identify the financial resources available to help you on your journey.

Whether you are an Intended Parent or a Gestational Surrogate, there is an enormous investment of time and money throughout the process.

Tsong Law has partnered with SeedCoach to provide this comprehensive, innovative program. 

For  Intended Parents seeking grant assistance opportunities, budgeting or loans. 

For Gestational Surrogates seeking help with reaching your family savings goals or understanding compensation and timing. 

Tsong Law is honored to provide this service to every family in our program -- free of charge.

The SeedCoach program is designed to provide financial answers - whether you are an Intended Parent seeking grant assistance opportunities, or a Gestational Surrogate seeking help with reaching your family savings goals.

Tsong Law is honored to provide this service to every family in our program -- free of charge.

Let's Get Started and take these steps together!

You don't have to go through this alone!

TSONG LAW GROUP = Top rated attorneys in Adoption, Surrogacy Law, Egg Donation and Embryo Donation, Family Law
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